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We are never ready!

Folkses, we have a new meme!

This one really goes against my grain. How often do we want to engage customers only when we are fully comfy and prepared?

And then the customers didn’t like what you build.

Early validation is KEY to success when developing games, software or hardware… Of course you don’t want to go full market, but identify your early adopters, drag them into a customer panel and get them involved as SOON as possible in your BizOps process.

That’s right, make the customer a part of your development process, even your team and you might find that feature adoption will be much higher.

Admitted, it’s a thin line to walk, you’re vulnerable but with the right customers, success! As a side note, you can use that early adopter relation to fine tune your customer service processes (and yes you will need those, not only as an afterthought).

Let us know what you think, and request your own meme for eternal glory on The Devops Meme Challenge

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