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The Best Part is No Part

Massively inspired by the guided tour of a Youtuber by Elon Musk on one of the SpaceX facilities….

SpaceX is a grand example of agile, iterative design, they take it to the heart and for me is a large part of their success!

This one kept ringing in my head… the best part is no part. Every part in a system induces a liability, something you need to source, take into account, test, test again, upgrade, etc… 

By being able to eliminate parts, you decrease the technical debt of a platform. 

Don’t get me wrong, you can not build EVERYTHING yourself. Trust me, I’ve worked with many people who believed the contrary.

As a team you have to keep this balance in mind every time you make a decision about your architecture, your requirements, third party components and deployment stack.

Take it even a step further… Elon talked about keeping requirements dumb and simple. How often do we see go releases and software platforms go wrong by bringing out too complex features, that often not even add real value. Sure the thing’s gotta do what the thing’s gotta do…

Just keep in mind, that over 70 percent you ever code and build will probably be never or seldom used by customers. So why throw money at it?

Let me hear your thoughts peoples!


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