The Metaverse Factory

Metaverse is hype, that’s for sure. A lot of teams are doing a tremendous amount of work on marketing side, creating big interest, to the moon tokenomics, aspiring huge multiplayer experiences… but lack the technical skills to actually pull that off.

Building a metaverse is complex. How we know it? Because we accidentally built one during corona.

Soundstorm started as an experiment to bring artists and the audience back together during corona. Audience as avatars, artists as a live stream, and tons of interaction. Click here if you want to learn more about it.

As we feel sad when other projects experiences fail, we took it as our mission to help other metaverse people, projects and brands to actually deliver on their promises. 

Hence the Metaverse Factory, a range of services and tools that help you deliver your first experiences!

Hosting Experiences

Why spend hundreds of thousands of dollars building your first metaverse experience, while you could run your first proof of concepts right now?

With the Soundstorm platform, you can host a live experience with up to thousands of avatars, zero latency live streaming, dance moves and emotions enabled. Oh, and did we mention we also have Webcam Cafés? 

Check out the Soundstorm site for more info!

Project Management

Metaverse projects either come from two sides. You have a bunch of amazing marketing and product people with an idea, or a game team loving to get their hands dirty in Unity or Unreal.

But then you run out of budget… you’re not working productive enough to deliver on time and within a certain budget, or the experience you offer is not what the audience expected.

We help you organize the team according to best in class Agile practices, scrum top to bottom! We will also setup the financial reporting that goes with it. Your VC or CFO will love this!

Metaverse Infrastructure Services

You will learn quickly that everything is connected… literally. We call this Devops, insuring a good flow from a customer or feature request to development to delivering it in the best customer experience possible.

A lot of people have difficulties with their delivery process. You spent hours waiting for the next build to be ready, then you need to take a ton of manual action to get it deployed to the cloud or your decentralized infrastructure.

We ALWAYS start a project by setting up the required pipelines and backend server infrastructure. No more waiting, as soon as you commit a single line of code, a couple of minutes later we roll out a new test or production environment. 

We run our own build servers, just to make sure we get the job done as fast and with the highest quality as possible.

It’s not only a matter of setting up CI / CD, your code and architecture must be ready for it as well. So we can take a look at your entire backend infrastructure and get them in that delivery experience your customers will love.

Livestream and Video integration

Ah, we suffered so much integrating WebRTC and RTMP video in a game environment. It looks pretty text book, but it’s not a simple feat if you take into account that we are assuming a multiplayer environment. Having a video or audio chat functionality even makes it worse. Then people decide to go for pixel streaming and get rected on their cloud costs. Doh!

Maybe Soundstorm is not the type of platform you want, but we love to share the experience we have built and help you implement it into your own Unity backend and frontend.