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Deploying apps is …

People, do you know this feeling?

As a DevOps person, it’s is ultimately satisfying to see your first app getting deployed on all kinds of funky devices, with a flow that’s smooth as butter and rolls right out of a build pipeline.

Yes! You’re with me! But the path of getting there is not for the faint of heart, and takes painstaking careful tuning and tweaking, regardless whether you’re pointing at Apple Devices, Windows, IOT or server infrastructure.

Regular developers often hate to do this, as you not only have to be aware of what your own code does, but also the dependencies, security requirements, scaling and device management … the list might seem to be endless. On the other hand system engineers often do not know the insides of the application, which is key to get the beast out anyway. Furthermore the job is never done, as the platforms keep changing while your code might not.

So let me ask you a DevOps antipattern question… Would you think it’d be useful to have DevOps as a Service? Specialized people that integrate with your team, just to get this job done?

Let me hear you in the comments!

PS: Want your own DevOps meme? Check out theĀ Devops Challenge Page

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