Who we are

I’m Reinhart, for now your sole point of contact in the company.

15+ years of experience in architecture and CTO roles in a multitude of projects and companies, in industries from ERP to MRP,  Game and New Media technology, manufacturing, field service management…

Last few years focus on guiding startups or internal company startups to success, helping business owners and their teams make the correct decisions on how to run a software business.

I take a holistic approach, can sit next to a developer and help take out performance bugs, but can also go to your board and explain your technological challenges in layman terms to get your funding secured.


I like missions, I like the visions that come with them. Being part of a team that develops the vision, defining the value proposition we can make together for a set of stakeholders is a strong driver, and gives energy

As a CTO and business owner I spent years doing so, not only for our own company, but also for the customers that we served, and the partner ecosystem that we connected with.

For me this works best working with people that have an innovative mindset, that want to go forward, continuously improve and are result driven to achieve the company’s goals.

I don’t believe in borders and boxes, in the modern day and age an IT / Service company is not made successful by merely focusing on one side of the business (sales or tech or whatever), but by taking a holistic approach in what the company does.

Core Values

Open minded, a generalist that takes a holistic approach in tackling business challenges

Business oriented, focus on generating business value for all stakeholders

Ownership own what you do, be accountable for it

Continuous improvement, bringing value to the market at the pace they can absorb, taking the teams involved to the next level

Scalability Aim for taking up new business cases fast, with standardisation and automation in mind

Continuous learning, eager to absorb new knowledge on business cases and technologies cases and their respective combined outcomes

Customer focus, put the customer experience at the heart of what you do to become successful

Natural Born Problem Solver, solution and outcome oriented

Entrepreneurship, not only for yourself, but something to be incited in the entire team